Breed Standard

This is the official KUSA Breed Standard for Biewer Terriers

That of an elegant longhaired toy terrier with the hair parting down the middle and hanging straight and evenly on both sides of the dog.  Although the outline of the dog gives the appearance of a square, the body length can be slightly longer than the over-all height.  The tail is curved over the body and covered with a long glowing plume.
Uncomplicated toy terrier with a lighthearted attitude and a happy temperament.  Stable and sociable with humans and with other dogs; it adapts perfectly to all ways of life and makes a loyal companion.
Rather small and flat, with a moderate stop.  Not too prominent or round in skull. Muzzle not too long in proportion to the skull.  Nose black.
Medium,dark and placed to look directly forward.  Not prominent.  Edge of eyelids dark.
Medium, V-shaped, upright, moderately wide set and covered with hair.  Tips should be shaved.
Level or scissor bite.  Teeth well placed with even jaws.
Fine to medium boned with a good level top line.  Height at the shoulders is the same as the height at the rump.  Length of the body can be slightly longer than the height of the dog.  The chest comes down to the elbows with a good width.  The rib cage is moderately sprung with the underline being slightly tucked up and a short but strong loin.
Well laid shoulders, legs absolutely straight and covered with hair.
Straight when viewed from behind and stifles are slightly bent when viewed from the side.
Round.  Nails black or white.
The tail is curved over the body and covered with a long glowing plume.
Sound movement, retaining level topline.
Long and flowing with a soft silky texture.  Perfectly straight without an undercoat, not woolly or wavy.
White-blue-gold or White-black-gold.
Head:  White-blue -gold or white-black-gold. Coloured symmetrically.
Topline:  Black/blue, broken up with white.  White throat.  No gold present in topcoat.  Legs, belly and chest completely white.  Tip of the tail white.
Up to 3.6kg.
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on health & welfare of the dog.
Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Copyright  The Kennel Union of Southern Africa
Fedco 11-2011/MB/Updated 04.07.2012

Reprinted with permission.
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The publisher of this edition is the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.